Study Communications

The communications team is based at the Sutton campus of The Institute of Cancer Research, and is headed by Dawn Thomas.

The team dispatch and receive all the mail associated with the study, answer telephone enquiries and process all of the questionnaires and other documentation. Their work is critical to the effective running of the study.

Dawn Thomas

Dawn ThomasI am really enjoying my work and the rewards it brings. I feel privileged to be associated with the study. I am extremely proud to lead the very hard working and dedicated group of people who carry out the mailings and communications for the study.

Dawn joined The Institute of Cancer Research in May 2004 as Supervisor of the communications team for the study. She previously spent nine years in retail staff management and has two children.

Team members

There are both full and part-time staff working on the study communications at the Sutton office. The team members are:

  • Susan Blackmore
  • Sharon Squires
  • Jane Lebihan